Shoulder pain can be an extremely bothersome issue in your life. Although you may not realize it, you use your shoulder on a frequent basis every day, since it permits many of the movements that involve your arms. Therefore, if a problem arises that leads to pain and prevents your shoulder from moving normally, it can become a major burden to your daily life.
As we discussed in our last post, there are many conditions that could be responsible for shoulder pain. In some cases, the cause may be a single, traumatic event like a hard fall to the ground or sports-related injury. Other patients will experience a gradual onset of shoulder pain due to repeated damage from overhead activities, which is often the case in rotator cuff tendinitis, shoulder impingement syndrome, shoulder instability, and bursitis.
If you’re concerned that you may develop shoulder pain–perhaps because you play an overhead sport or have a job that involves overhead movements–you may be wondering if there’s anything you can do to reduce this risk. The good news is that yes, it may be possible to avoid some types of shoulder pain with a dedicated approach. There is no single, foolproof way to stop all shoulder pain from occurring because numerous variables are involved, but one of the best steps you can take is to regularly perform shoulder exercises. Doing so will improve the strength and flexibility of muscles and joints surrounding the shoulder, thereby making the joint more stable and less prone to injury. With that said, here are our top 3 exercises to prevent shoulder pain:
Our top 3 exercises to prevent shoulder pain
To see videos of each exercise, go to and enter prescription code MKGD8BSV
In our next post, we’ll break down a study that highlights the effectiveness of physical therapy for shoulder impingement syndrome.